Breaking News: Brotherhood Signs Trade Agreement With Verpine!


Breaking News: Brotherhood Signs Trade Agreement With Verpine!

Dark Voice Editor-in-Chief, Derev Niroth
Roche Asteroid Belt - Today, the Dark Brotherhood has finalized it's long proposed trade agreement with the Verpine. Grand Master Sarin and his entourage of dignitaries left the backwater Roche Asteroid Belt this morning, and the Dark Voice was able to get a few words with the Grand Master.

“This is a great agreement that've we've finally been able to finalize with the Verpine” he stated. Later, he also added “This agreement with the Verpine will have a direct impact on the technological level of the Brotherhood, and in the current situation in the Galaxy, that is no small matter”.

The Grand Master, nor any of his party would initially answer any of our questions, however, after pressing the matter, we did receive a bit more information, however we can not quote our sources. We are able to report that the specifics of the agreement call for several phases in the alliance, perhaps hinting at some remaining distrust between our peoples. The only other piece of information we were able to scavenge was there is a protection claus in the Agreement, that both sides will answer and aid any distress calls while in each others space, or en route to or from each others space on business in line with this Trade Agreement.

No other comment was made about the rumored details of the Trade Agreement, however, many are speculating that the Agreement was finally rushed to completion with the new threat of the Vong invasions. It is plausible that the Brotherhood could stand to gain much in the technological level of it's fleets and weapons systems. Only time will tell what we'll actually gain, and what we'll lose in this transaction.

Dark Voice Correspondent Dismal contributed to this article.

And with that, I'm pleased to release the first issue of the Dark Voice during my tenure. A lot of work went into this issue, and a lot of authors will be collecting some Dark Side Scrolls, and a few staff members are going to take a merit medal home for their outstanding work on this issue. A few quick facts: 21 Articles, from 13 different authors. The final zip of this issue came out to 731KB, the Word Document is 167KB, and the PDF is 228KB. I hope you all enjoy.

Volumn 4, Issue 2 of the Dark Voice

I don't know what you're talking about, of course the link works :p

nice work :)

Begun, the Great Jedi War has.

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