Orv has created a sweet reader for our mini books like the lightsaber and hand to hand combat guides. It is up on the H2H guide now and will be applied to the Lightsaber guide soon.
Thanks :) Yeah, I'm not a big fan of the font used either. Sans-Serif fonts are much better for large blocks of text. But Karel is right, if you zoom in, readability increases.
Great job, Orv!
Orv pwns.
So how much DC bitchwork does Orv have to do before he gets rewarded? =P
Nice one Orv!
I'm having difficulty reading the text for the H2H Guide. Will we be uploading this information to the DB Wiki (along with the Lightsaber Guide)?
Not only to archive, but present it in a big 'ol Arial font for those of us whom are blind! :-p
Braecen: click Zoom In.
very, very cool...
Wow... that is sweet... :)
Thanks :) Yeah, I'm not a big fan of the font used either. Sans-Serif fonts are much better for large blocks of text. But Karel is right, if you zoom in, readability increases.
God is almost Orvlike, but somewhat less awesome.
great job :)
Most sexy indeed
looks at his pants
Nuff said.
Nice! Thanks Orv.
Great work, Orv. Really well done. =)
kick butt, orv.
and the info from this guide has been on the wiki since the day after release.
Click here for the Wiki version
Link didn't really work, Muz. :P