This post isn't about any new rules, just a reminder because I think a lot of people have forgotten. There are rules for posting comments on news posts/reports, and these rules are at the top of the comments page, so you see them every time you add a comment. However looking through many of the comments over the past several weeks, I think some people may be forgetting, so here is a reminder.
Rules for posting comments:
Comments are to be used in adding pertinent information to news items. Opinions should be saved for the message boards. Posting a link to a MB discussion is acceptable.
Questions asked and intended for comments or opinions from the news post may be answered in the Comments section.
Thank yous, congratulations for awards and promotions, or condolences for sad news may be given through the Comments section.
If you wish for clarification about something from the news post, please email the poster rather than starting a discussion in the comments section. Remember, we have message boards for a reason.
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I would like to mention two things, and Kir, if you feel differently, I'd love to have you respond. But these are my own thoughts on this issue.
1) I see this as kind of like what's been happening in #db. If you abuse the rules in specific areas, the rules will be more strenuously enforced. If you abide by the rules, they are still enforced, but at a more relaxed pace. You'll notice some "discussions" via the comments that don't get flack, while some do.
2) Encouraging people to remove the comments section on topics that will likely spark discussions that should be elsewhere is a good thing. And, while we remind people "we have message boards for a reason," I think reminding leaders of the same thing is also a good thing. And no, I'm not innocent of this, and it's something I've thought about trying to practice since reading this. If you're going to post something that you know will produce a response, post it on the message board, and then post a quick, comment-free link to the MB.
I lack both the tenure and notoriety of you gents, but as for my two cents: the disabling of comments for a given post only begs for unrest. Sure, comments won't always be nice, flattering or appropriate, but that's a bit of the whole idea, no?
When I submitted a paper in college, i was willing to accept both good and bad comments. Sure, I was a hater as some are here when things tended toward the bad side, but the good stuff more than made up for it.
I do agree with BF in principle. Generally, any positive or constructive comments are more than appropriate for the comments section, and won't garner much attention. However if you have negative comments about something you see posted, you should send them to the person who posted the item (CC the GM or DGM if you want to make sure that person takes it seriously).
Unfortunately most of the negative comments I've seen tend to be of the, "this is the worst idea I've ever heard", "you're an idiot", "this suxz0rs" etc - which don't help anyone. If you disagree with something a poster said, email him/her and tell them why you disagree and WORK TOWARDS A SOLUTION.
As for disabling comments, that can be done on news posts, but when DC members post their reports...there is no box we can check/uncheck, comments are always allowed on DC reports just by the way the website is setup.
I do agree with BF in principle. Generally, any positive or constructive comments are more than appropriate for the comments section, and won't garner much attention. However if you have negative comments about something you see posted, you should send them to the person who posted the item (CC the GM or DGM if you want to make sure that person takes it seriously).
Unfortunately most of the negative comments I've seen tend to be of the, "this is the worst idea I've ever heard", "you're an idiot", "this suxz0rs" etc - which don't help anyone. If you disagree with something a poster said, email him/her and tell them why you disagree and WORK TOWARDS A SOLUTION.
As for disabling comments, that can be done on news posts, but when DC members post their reports...there is no box we can check/uncheck, comments are always allowed on DC reports just by the way the website is setup.