Preventing Cloning Charges


Preventing Cloning Charges

Hopefully you have all read the changes that were made to the Dark Covenant's Articles of Conduct section, and if so you will have noticed that the cloning article is now worded like this:

"Cloning: No member, without prior approval of the Justicar, shall have more than one persona in a single household. Any offense committed by such an unauthorized clone shall be attributed to the original member. Matching IP addresses create a presumption of cloning that can only be rebutted by evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that two people exist."

Now I recognize that many of our members may be siblings, spouses, family members, roommates, etc, and therefore share a single computer and IP address. Therefore, to prevent innocent parties from being charged with cloning, ALL MEMBERS who share a computer MUST register with me immediately.

To register, simply send me an email containing the members names and PIN#'s who share the computer, and the reason why (siblings, roommate, etc). I will keep these archived in the Chamber's files. Please send these to me ASAP.

Signed and Sealed in Justice,
Dark Side Adept Kir Taldrya Katarn
Justicar and High Protector of the Dark Brotherhood

NOTE: I made an addition to my JST report that I posted earlier, I forgot to include some important Covenant information - so please go back and read it again, thank you.

Just a side comment, I have no doubt that Kir will understand that Clan Summits will want to know about "clones," so please register with him, but also be aware, you should let your Summits know. We'll find out from Kir, but it's better if you tell us yourselves.

People who will join the DB won't see your article, and they won't register because they simply won't know about it. Perhaps this should be mentioned in the Join page, not just here. And there's not a whole lot you can do to prove you have another person in your house. Webcams perhaps?

Well thats not really a problem Karel. If the DB is based on real life Justice then you're innocent until proven guilty so it's not your responsibility to prove you are two people it's theirs to prove you're one.

Yeah, well, it's easier to accuse than to defend. :P

Those webcam protestations would be hilarious to see. I think I may make one with Chris sometime just for kicks =P

An addition will be made to the join form by the SCL/staff within the next couple weeks.

In the Covenant, there's now a presumption that two people from the same IP address are clones. So, it's really opposite of the normal innocent until proven guilty thing. That's just based on the reality of the internet -- we have no way other than IP addresses to verify people, and if we don't have the presumption, the "my brother did it" defense will always prevail in CoJ cases.

I'm going to drop something on the join page in a couple weeks to do an IP check on people joining, but, just for the sake of it, I thought I'd quote what's been on the join page for at least a couple years:

"Upon submitting this form, I agree to become a member in good standing of the Dark Jedi Brothrhood Star Wars Club. I understand that my membership is at-will and that under no circumstances will my e-mail address be given away to non-members. I acknowledge that I am older than 13 years old, otherwise, I have my parents' permission to join. **Further, I affirm that I do not have any other characters active within the Dark Brotherhood at this time, and acknowledge that it is illegal within the rules of the Dark Covenant to operate more than one character.**"

So, people are on notice. We'll try to make it easier for them to register with the CoJ though.

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