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Dark Greetings all....
Firstly, Merry Christmas to everyone on the impending Tuesday that lies before us. I hope everyone has a super Christmas and look forward to hearing about everyone's new robes and sabres that Sithy Claus brings them.
1) The Shadow Academy stands at 157 graduates.
2) There seems to be a problem with the History marking section of the site. You guys seem to be able to submit them OK but I cannot view them to Approve/Decline them. I have reported it to SCL/DA Grail and I hope it will be remedied soon. If you have recently submitted a character history (there should be 2 of you out there...) please contact me so I know who you are.
3) Despite all my free time this week most of it has been spent shopping or working at Christmas parties. I have the Grammar and Run-On exams ASP'd however Crusader's server is down and he won't be able to test them until it's back up. Then once it is back up he's gonna make the appropriate changes to the Krath CORE studies. OHC Sharad, I mailed you asking for your input in how you would like the Obelisk CORE exam changed and you haven't yet replied. I cannot make these changes until you let me know what you want them to be...I realise it's Christmas and your busy, but if you can please drop me a line. Ta!
4) As all ACO's should now know I released news over a week ago that if they mailed there QUA's the SA BASICS exam and they deemed it correct they could be promoted to PRT. TODAY was the first time I have heard anyone completing it...do you guys not want this opportunity? As you know it closes on the 31st of December so from now on I WILL PERSONALLY grade all such exams. I'm hoping that others have taken this chance but I just haven't been informed, anyway, in the X-Mas spirit I'll take on the extra work and let these QUA's have a break form it. So please any ACO's who want PRT, do the SA BASICS exam in the APPRENTICES section of the site and submit it. I'll then mark it and let you know how you did.
5) I'll be submitting a competition to DGM/DJM Astatine for approval that will be open Clan wide and is in fact Clan based. More news on this soon...
Again, merry Christmas, speak with you all soon...
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