New passwords for the GJW7 forums had been passed out!


New passwords for the GJW7 forums had been passed out!

I had to change the password of each GJW 7 forum.

The new info had been send out to your Consuls and Proconsuls.

Please: Do not try to gain the passwords from the GJW 7 forums of other clans! Do not give away the passwords to members from a different clan!

The runons / informations inside the GJW 7 forums are password protected to make it as fair as possible.

Remember - the clans compete with each other. ;)

Unfortunately for you people, you now have to deal with some weird passwords with caps and numbers and letters. ;)

Please.. remember.. do not give out passwords.

Xia Long (Sildrin Sadow)
Edit: re-edited my weird English ;)

You are kidding right? People getting the passwords for other clans GJW forums?


We should make sure not to tell these people that the forums record IP's and Hostnames. :o

Wow, way to keep it "secret" by broadcasting it over a comment that everybody can read. :P

Sorry guys, you can blame me. I was interested in reading these run-ons so I went on the MIRC and asked for them. I was wanting to read on how others write so I can learn how to write better and improve my knowledge on writing. Not an writing professor so I was hoping to learn.

Didn't know it was against the rules. again, sorry.

Password protected....Hmm, never would have thought it was for that clan only.

Before anyone gets crazy going off on Brimstone, remember -

Your clan members gave out these passwords freely. They are just as much to blame as anyone else.

Sending it over the google group isn't the best way either cause you can easily access the other clan's groups through google... i spy on HEK all the time through that :)

Dude, JC, that's like CSI telling people how to murder and get away with it. Shut up already :P

In the end it just comes down to people being honest enough to wait until after the GJW ends to spy on the other clans

I'm just being honest Aabs, its really that easy and there should be some way to prevent that from actually happening. I haven't done it because i really don't care about the other run-ons, why would it actually matter to me?

I love that analogy too :P

A googlegroup can be made to restrict access to archived messages - making them either unviewable or viewable only to subscribed members. If you care about privacy I would suggest making the changes :P

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