I know Sarin said retaking SA exams would be allowed for the SA course event, but I would like to ask everyone to hold off on retaking any exams until we figure out exactly how those would get tallied.
See, when you take an SA course, a copy of your submission is sent to my inbox. Then, when you pass or fail the exam, I get the result. Once you've passed an exam, you can retake it all you want, but the system will not e-mail me again with the result (it'll tell the EP that you've already passed the course).
<del>So, for now, please refrain from retaking exams. I'll edit or remove this post once we figure it out.</del>
Edit: You cannot retake exams you've already passed. There's simply no effective way to tally them up. So, to those of you who have already taken all the offered courses, I'm afraid you can't do much with this course. However, do pay attention to the main page. I've got a new course on special order, and it'll be out tonight. I'll make a separate post.
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I've already re-taken a course, Grammar Studies, and it's already been graded as a pass. Will that be counted?
If I don't get the e-mail on passing, there's really no way I can count it. But, anyone who retook an exam is in the same boat, so it's not like half of you get credit and the others don't. Sorry for the inconvenience.