The Hall of Shadows lay empty. Whisps of light broke through the gaping curtains and illuminated the sinister Altar of Rcayne. The hulking block of jet black obsidian appeared to weep, as the light slowly trickled from the sacrifical surface down to the ancient carvings of K
hamaran text. As the day passed and the light from Dajorra's sun moved menacingly through its trajectory, the altar could do nothing but sit and absorb the light, soaking it into its dark heart. Arcona found herself in the in the same position. Decimated after the recent wars with the Vong and other Clans she now sat idle, like the altar, stranded, wounded, defeated. There was no leadership, no guidance, and no path. Arcona had lost her way. Now all she could do was sit and soak it up, the same as the ancient artefact that lay in the heart of the Clan headquarters..
But then it all changed.
From the “Thrones of the Elders” a form slowly emerged. Tendrils of shadows burst forth from the dark onyx chairs, twisting and writhing together as they created the form of a large seated man. As his corporeal form was completed he stood up from his throne and walked towards the valiant altar. His towering mass was formidable although truly indistinguishable due to the dark robes which covered all but his deep set eyes. These were burning deep within the shroud of his hood, intimating a visage of horror and malice. Glaring at the flagging curtain, with a snarl it swiftly corrected itself and the Shadow Master was surrounded, more fittingly, in a sea of darkness.
Breathing deeply, hands stroking the smooth surface of the Altar of R`cayne as he passed, Mejas Doto walked towards the Serpentine Throne. It was time for Arcona to be resurrected. It was time for his Children of Chaos to once more be called to arms. They needed to unite under one leader, for Arcona and for the Shadow Realms they guarded.
Sitting in the Serpentine Throne, the dark blue hands of the Zabrak Master gripped the twisting mass of iron serpents that formed the arms of the chair. Closing his eyes, Mejas could feel his mind reach out to every Arcona. As if sparks were going off in his mind he felt his connection to his Clansmen. He felt their despair, their sorrow, their fears, their hopes and their dreams. As the see of emotion engulfed his core, Mejas steadied himself and intimated his announcement.
_“My Children of Chaos, your Guardian has returned. The recent turmoil we have suffered has never before so deeply affected this Clan. We have lost our way, we are scattered, unfocused and a disgrace to our lineage. We have fallen into the abyss and I have watched from the shadows for long enough. It is time for me to take what every Dark Jedi needs to fulfil their deepest desires: power. It is time for me to act more than your Guardian; from today I am your Consul once more. _
_Arcona will weep no more as we resurrect and reconnect with our true Arconan spirit. The changes I enact will be both ruthless and swift. I will rule once again with the iron fist that my legacy so rightly remembers me for. Many of you will question my lead, you will fear my actions as they will be of the like no Clan in the Brotherhood has ever witnessed before. They will shake the very foundations of our Clan and offer challenges and opportunities to every Arconan; indeed every Dark Jedi throughout our Brotherhood. _
_I will say no more until I have attended an audience with our Dark Council. In the meantime prepare yourself. Only the worthy will triumph, the true of spirit and those dedicated to the Clan and our mighty Brotherhood. _
_Embrace the Darkness.” _
Firstly, I’d like to thank Grand Master Sarin and Deputy Grand Master Muz for allowing me this chance to lead my beloved Clan once more. I am delighted to be back on the Serpentine Throne and look forward to working with you all over the coming months. Apologies in advance if I’m a bit rusty!
Secondly, I’d like to comment on my news post above. This is the prelude to an event I intend to run as the new Consul of Arcona. Some of the IC rant is the usual “padding” but when I mentioned that “this will be like nothing our Brotherhood has seen before” I assure you this is not to be taken in jest!
This event will be aimed at re-establishing the structure and membership of Arcona, providing on-going activity opportunities whilst at the same time tying in with the fictional storyline of the GJW aftermath and my own appointment as Consul! Quite a lot going on then...
Some of you will be deeply distressed, outraged and scared by the action I am going to take in coming weeks while others will be intrigued, inspired and very, very welcoming of it! In my seven years I have never seen my plan happen before, probably because it may be seen as risky. I think in our stable environment and in the present Brotherhood climate this is exactly the time to take such risks.
This is an opportunity, which fictionally, we seldom seem to offer. This is an opportunity for the ambitious, hard working, dedicated members who need their “first break”. This will be an opportunity for power, not based on interviews and applications, but based upon performance.
These are exciting times and I hope I can help provide something a bit different to keep the members of our Brotherhood active and most importantly – having fun!
** DJM Mejas Doto, di Tenebrous Arconae
**"Guardian of Arcona"
Consul of Clan Arcona
DJM Mejas Doto (Krath)/CON/Arcona [ACC: CL:3]
DS / EDx2 / RS / AK / SB / GC-PoDP / SC-CoI / AC-RoT / DC-DP / SN / BN-AgL / Cr-2D-2R-2A-4S-1E / CF-BlF / DSS-EL / SI / LS-BL / S:-11M-3D
{SA: KS: ToL - ToS - IRC - GL - D: KCORE - GS}
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Best of luck with your plans, Mejas. =)
Mejas will weep when he gets Sarin's bill for this news post. It's 10 cents a word, my friend. Cough up the cash. :P
All joking aside, welcome back, Mr. Typo.
Good luck and may God have mercy on your soul, Mejas :P
Enjoy your reign of CON, and the best luck to ya.