Bryar Bowl -- Two Spots!


Bryar Bowl -- Two Spots!

We are still holding for some final players to step forward. We are at 30 players, coming from all the Clans expect for Naga Sadow plus our Grand Master, just need two more to let me know they are willing to participate. This isn't a terribly hard event, just some gaming fun with JO and bryars. Check out the websites if you haven't for more information.
<li>Bryar Bowl with a Vengeance
<li>Bryar Bowl Wiki Page
<li>Competition Page

Update: Roster is complete, BB to begin soon.

For Taldryan,

Obelisk Primarch Duga Taldrya Arkarso
Consul and Son of Clan Taldryan
Planetary Viceroy of Karufr, Regent of the Kr'Tal System</li></li></li>

Email sent

lol what is CNS not allowed to participate? Or are they boycotting all things Tally-related? :P

probably :P

CNS is in the middle of their Orian Event

Sign-ups began long before that competition, and one match up to 3 games every week or two isn't a lot to ask in the end. Technically, only 1 more sign-up needed, if we're not already there

It's not they're not allowed, they just won't enter. Nuff said.

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