Update/King of the Hill


Update/King of the Hill

So first off, sorry for not getting out the Day 5 results earlier - had a longass day of work and when I got home my internet wouldn't even load IRC. So below I'll throw up the current point totals and also the current list of Kings/Days.

Aside from that, I've decided since this will be the last King of the Hill it will run to the very end of October. That means you all have Sunday-Wednesday to compete. For Halloween all points/CFs will be DOUBLED. So if you want to earn your chance as King, or just want to rake in a few more Clusters of Fire Wednesday is the day.

First up the current King standings: (in Order JK, Misc, BF)

<li>Day One: Dismal, JScumm, No activity,

<li>Day Two: Smoke20, No activity, No activity

<li>Day Three: Smoke20, No activity, Malidir

<li>Day Four: Malidir, JScumm, Dante

<li>Day Five: Malidir, No activity, Dante

<li>Day Six: No activity, JScumm, No activity</li>

And the current point standings:

**JK Series

<li>Malidir - 63</li>**

<li>Smoke - 43

<li>Dismal - 21.5

<li>Sashar - 18

<li>Itachi - 18

<li>Kieran - 12

<li>RevengeX - 9

<li>Merlance - 6

<li>Rickson - 6

<li>Corin - 6

<li>Lucius - 3

<li>JScumm - 3

<li>Gobhainn - 1</li>

**BF Series

<li>Dante - 30</li>**

<li>Malidir - 20.5

<li>JScumm - 2</li>

**Misc Series

<li>JScumm - 12.15</li>**

<li>Malaki - 4

<li>Malidir - 4

<li>Anubis - 3

<li>Arcadian - 2

<li>Robin Hawk - 1</li>

So, I attempted to run the ICTE today. I was up at 6am and joined IRC (internet still being uber lame) and found the bot was missing. Whatever, people can manage. So I threw up the topic and went off to work. Apparently IRC wanted me to fail as it disconnected me shortly after I left and I didn't receive a single match report. Fortunately, Karel stepped in and took over. I'll be talking to him to get the results, etc sorted out so ICTE results and CFs might be a little later than usual.

That's all from me for now. There are still four playable days left and all the series are open (remember I only count a King if there was activity in that ladder)</li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li>

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