New Shadow Academy Course


New Shadow Academy Course

Thanks to the hard work by Deatharoc and Dacien, the Shadow Academy is now offering an Old Republic History course. There are two very important things to note:

  1. This course is a bit more graphical intensive than other courses. Those of you with slower internet connections may encounter some problems. If need be, we will reevaluate the graphics.

  2. Some questions on the exam require a little bit of work. By work, I mean you'll actually have to give it some thought.

And, finally, we should have another new course in the new future, as well as a new Dark Maven degree. But, more information on those at the proper time.

Wanting to check out the course and exam at this time (11-26-07 17:16 CET) I came across the following error:

Course Teacher
An Error Occured:
Not able to locate the exam

Please check the errors and hit the 'back' button

If it's an error about something that you can't be blamed for, please contact the SA Staff

Is this right?

lol I received the same error msg....I love that last line.

Should work now.

Hmm, strange. Well, Dacien fixed it, so all is well.

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