With all of these positions becoming opened, I thought I'd make a post with a position actually getting filled.
I've finally come to a decision on the Deputy Combat Master, so please congratulation OT Juda Kodiak Erinos on the job! While not having been on staff for too long, he has shown tremendous energy for the ACC, and I look forward to working with him as he learns the ropes. On all ACC-related e-mails, please include him ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) as well.
As a final note, apologies for not having released a report in quite some time. There was a death in the family that through things for a loop, but I'm more or less back up to speed in general and will have something out later this week.
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Congrats Juda!
Grats Jooda!
Nice one mate ;)
Congrats, Juda, and my condolences, Halc.
Congrats, Juda, if you can beat me fair and square you deserve DCM. ;)
Thanks for the comments guys, I won't screw this up :P
And condolences Halc.