Vader and Yoda announced in SoulCalibur IV


Vader and Yoda announced in SoulCalibur IV

Namco has announced in their press materials for their upcoming Soulcalibur game that Vader and Yoda will be included in the game. Vader is to be in te PS3 version, and Yoda in the 360 version.

To be honest, i looked at these at first and said 'is this a shopped screenie?', but reading the article on they did have a great point in that it doesn't make any more sense than Link or Spawn being in previous games.

Anyway, the screens look cool... but is Darth Vader enough to convince rabid fanboys to spend five bill on a PS3?

Oh, and big thanks to Debric for bringing this to my attention.

I've never been a fan of Soulcalibur, (Tekken ftw!) but saying that I did buy Soulcalibur 2 purely for Spawn, so yeah, I'll probably get suckered into this too :P

The included Blu-ray player might help a bit. :P

The answer, of course, Muz is yes. I'd be all up in that.

Too bad you can't use Vader to fight Yoda :P

Why couldn't Vader be on the better system! D:<

The Yoda one is easily the one to go for. It looks like they're just using an adapted ILM model, so it looks way better than the rest of the art in the trailer. That's why it looked 'shopped.

For those of you interested in more than just a screenshot, Gametrailers has the most recent video which includes a short bit of both Yoda and Vader. Also, I think the choices for which character went to which console was based on their color. Black = Vader = PS3. Green = Yoda = Xbox... and Yoda definitely beats Vader :P SD and HD version of the trailer can be found there.

Sweet, Soul Calibur! \o/ Now if only I had one of the systems in question. lol

I must be in the wrong club.. people cheering for Yoda?!

rather some people is in the wrong club =P

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