Very Brief ICTE Report


Very Brief ICTE Report

  • 4 DB participants
  • 3 GE participants
  • 93 Clusters of Fire awarded
  • No one placed for All-Star
  • 16 matches played
  • EaW was played for all 16 matches

On the plus side this is my first news post with my new Shadow-esque image. His name is Pintsize and he's an AnthroPC from the webcomic Questionable Content He's awesome and I'll probably keep him for my reports and stuff. Seeing as everyone else likes to add superfluous images to those things I may as well hop on the bandwagon.

QC rocks.

I'm a huge fan of Questionable Content.
Funny, with good music taste.



Nice. A ICTE report with little or no ICTE in it. Next week, get rid of the bullet point summary too :P

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