Gaming Update


Gaming Update

Ah the news posts. There may be only a slightly better chance that you’ll read this, but here goes nothing. First of all, I’d like to remind gamers, newb and pro, that there exists a document that contains the rules and basic information on playing and reporting for official Gaming Night matches. Now, a lot of new people don’t know this stuff because they don’t read reports or ask the questions. So to all you leaders out there – make sure when you actually get an active new member that you give them the information they’re going to need. The Rites of Combat are important because they tell you how to report matches for each platform and what to do in the event of forfeiting, etc. A couple of these things came up last week so I figured it’d be a good time to remind everyone where this stuff can be found.

In other news the Gaming Nights saw a nice increase in participation. The week of January 21- January 27 had a total of 24 participants and 112 CFs. And, with a win/loss record of 10/5, Angelo Dante picked up the coveted Pendant of Blood. Congratulations to him and everyone else on their CFs. For those of you unaware - when you report for gaming nights (so that you can earn CFs and stuff), they must be reported AS Gaming Night matches and NOT on Saturdays. There were a lot of matches reported as “Just for Fun” or “Other”. These matches don’t get added to the CF lists so they don't count towards your win/loss ratio. Hopefully if you aren't aware of this you'll now know. And knowing is half the battle.

And for those of you incapable of pirating excel here is the latest ICTE information. 22 participants, 18 of which were Dark Brotherhood (the rest were GE), and a total of 255 CFs earned. Mike Mar of the GE took All-Star, but Dante and JScumm took second and third, respectively. There was finally some variation with the gaming this Saturday. EaW had 34 matches, JA had 24, and lil BF2 had 3. Nice to see people going back to the classics (though JA is and will always be inferior to JO).

Last bit of news, which is also ICTE related. After a few random and chance discussions, we may be seeing a return of the old ICTE reporting/tracking site. I can’t give you a timeframe yet, but I believe it will be back up and running soon. A few members were complaining about not seeing their records during the ICTE, so this should make them a bit happier.

To summarize: Leaders – tell your members about the RoCs. Everyone – read reports and news posts… you’ll find the information you’re missing is usually held within. Gaming Nights run from Monday-Friday, and Sunday (don’t report on Saturday). ICTE is ICTE, and we may be getting an old reporting system back. Thank you, that is all.

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