Combat Master: Open for Applications


Combat Master: Open for Applications

Due to that crazy and unpredictable thing called real life, Halc has decided to retire from the position of Combat Master. I'd like to thank Halc fo his hard work and dedication since taking over the job from Dalthid. Without Halc, the last two major Dark Brotherhood competitions would have suffered a great deal. I will say my official thanks in a few days :p

Because of Halc's retirement, Muz and I are opening up the position of Combat Master for applications.


The Combat Master is solely responsible for the Antei Combat Centre. The Combat Centre has established itself as one of the absolute core activities that members participate in. The Combat Master is charged with the development and administration of the Centre. He works with the various Dark Council offices to ensure that the Centre is running according to the rules of the Brotherhood. He also hires, trains and keeps a full staff of members to help with various administrative tasks in the Centre. The Combat Master regularly assists the Dark Council and Clans by allowing them to run competitions in the Centre. The position itself is situated as a Society Leader, not on the Dark Council. The Combat Master reports directly to the Grand Master and Deputy Grand Master.


  1. Hold the rank of Sith Warrior or equivalent.

  2. Have a high level of understanding of the ACC

  3. Have an excellent grasp of the written word :p

  4. Have the ability to work with Dark Council members to include working with the DGM and GM on an almost daily basis.


Applications are due to Muz and I by 21 February. Applications should include your ideas for improving the ACC, a 30/60/90 day plan, and your goals for training and maintaining a staff. I would also like to know how you plan on making the ACC a more user friendly aspect of the Dark Brotherhood.

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