With the renewal date for the Taldryan JO Server approaching we went ahead and replaced the old server with a new one. The reason for the change is to cut down to a 10 player limit instead of 12 players and a longer service term, which turns out to be a better price. It should run the same way, but if anyone finds any issues let Shadow or myself know. Check the Gaming Servers page for the new IP Address. Thanks for your time.
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While everyone is thinking about it... would you - fellow members of the DB - like to see any additional Servers come online for our club? I am in the process of setting up a Republic Commando Server on my secondary computer, but I am curious to know if there is demand for anything else.
You can either reply to this thread or shoot me an e-mail: BMCoffey13@aol.com
Thank you for your time and attention.
Braecen Kaeth