After talking it over with Sarin and Muz, I've decided that it's time to make a change to the family creation rule in regards to what rank you have to be to make a family. It was originally Equite 3 but after gaining GM and DGM approval I've changed it to Dark Side Adept or higher. Why the change you ask? A few reasons:
We have twelve (soon to be thirteen) registered families in the DB. That's plenty.
There's a reason that we have battle teams, houses, and clans. Yes you might say "But Krav I feel more welcome and part of something in a family." That may be, but again I point you to the official units created for this club. If you don't truly feel welcome or part of something in your house or clan then what are you doing there in the first place? You always have the option of transferring.
I raised it up because people are just going to someone Equite 3 to start up their family and there are plenty of Equite 3's running around in this club. Now DA and over not so much. Yes I am wanting to limit the number of families created. You can call it whatever you want but again there's a reason we have official units to serve an official purpose.
Remember folks I'm here to repress your rights and kick you when you're down.
Much <3
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<3 Krav
On a serious note, what's the deal with established families? Will they have to be "disbanded" if there isn't a DA+ in their ranks?
No I won't be disbanding any family if they don't have a DA+ in their ranks. This will apply to creation of future families. The ones we have now will be left as is
Jerk! :(
I refer you to the end of the post which quotes: "Remember folks I'm here to repress your rights and kick you when you're down."
And that's why we don't trust the white man.
Ok what about last names, can we have members with the last name and not be part of a family? that way it kinda syemblizes "hey were family." you know. Just wondering.
Two people having the same last name is ok. Anymore and you would have to form a family. If you want to join a family you have to be a GRD or higher and you'll need to get permission from the family leader
Families really need to die a painful death. My favorite are the one's that are actually related to one another... they all just magically show up in the DB as force sensitives who want to be Dark Jedi. It's brilliant.
Even better? Mandalorian Dark Jedi... that's just epic canon right there. Keep up the good work, Krav and maybe we'll see an end to this ridiculous fad sooner rather than later.
I agree with you Shad, there are many ridiculous aspects to the families and character fiction in general with the DB that needs to be address. Personally, my only desire from the sharing of names is that they be use to display a connection between master and student thats it; the rest of the ridiculous crap that comes from families can be removed for many reasons (like the several you've pointed out). Really, we have families that expand many clans and they honestly don't make sense, especially in times of war like the GJW where you are pitied against each other. If you wanna build up your friendships, do so like Krav said in shared clans. Friendships through families is like wetting yourself, you may get a warm feeling and everyone can see it but no one wants to.
Just to hedge off any complaints/bickering here. The Xylers will be the last family to be formed under the old policy. They initially proposed the creation of their family before I approached Sarin and Muz with this change so I won't ding them for it. Any and all future families will have to be created under the new rules.
Families are just like Frats. Who wants to pay for their friends? (except obviously Braecen)
I'm just going to be a SW nerd for a sec and point out that there are force-sensitive Mandalorians. Just to name a few, Jusik Bardan and Venku. Jusik was a former light jedi during the Clone Wars and is still alive as of Legacy of the Force: Revelation. Venku is the son of a Republic Commando and light jedi and was raised by a Mandalorian drill sergeant.
Still, it's VERY uncommon to see force-using Mandalorians, and when there are two or three families of force-using Mandalorians, there's a line that has been crossed.
I have a mixed opinion about this - I agree with the companionship point. You can be in the same BT/House/Clan as a friend to show an external bond or friendship or whatever. But the reason why I'm in the Dupar family isn't just to show friendship or a bond - it's for RP purposes. Sure, I'm friends with all the Dupars, but that's just sort of a coincidence. If there's some random family spanned out across many clans and whatall than that needs to be addressed, it's just pointless. However, some families are wonderful for roleplaying purposes.
And Brae doesn't pay for his friends. He pays for his girlfriends. There's a difference. =P
Brae knows I <3 him....non-sexually, of course.
Wow. Popular topic. Maybe it'll get moved to the forums.
<3 Kraval :P
oooh, kraval has a new girlfriend that doesnt want a family...? :P keep up the good work MAA
I don't see what all the fuss is. Personally I don't do the family thing and yes occasionally what I've seen off it appears nonsensical, annoying or plaine weird but if you're going to change stuff just because it fits into one of those descriptions you're going to have to take the DB apart and put it back together from the ground up. As it is they're not a massive inconvienience, group of people who want a fictional link most of the problem is other people's perception of it.
The thing about this minimum rank DA thing is that firstly if anyone has got to DA and isn't part of a family already then it's a fair indication they probably don't want to be after all these years, and secondly all it means is that anyone who wants to start a family is going to hassle every elder they can find asking them to be a Patriarch. You can slap down the person doing it but that gives them the very reasonable response of "Alright how do you expect me to do it then wait five years?"
So maybe a decision needs to be either we scrap families or we keep them without ludicrously hard requirements to subtly stop any more appearing and needlessly annoying people.