CoJ Website News


CoJ Website News

Some of you may recall that I recently ran a competition for a new layout for the Chamber of Justice website. I received several entries and the winners were awarded - however during the competition it was suggested to me that the website itself might not be necessary. I have been slowly adding all the important Chamber content to the DJBWiki over the past year, and at this point the website has become redundant.

Therefore as of today, the CoJ website will no longer be updated (soon it will merely forward you to the Wiki page). Today I made sure that the information which was contained on the CoJ website was indeed on the wiki, and I also updated the Chamber of Justice Category page with some basic information and a short guide to the other pages. I used to post CoJ-specific news on the Chamber website, however from now on all of my news posts will be made on the main DB news page.

You can find all the Chamber wiki pages from the newly updated category page here: Chamber of Justice. If you find there is any missing content, or have specific suggestions for new content, please let me know.

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