Announcements - Krath High Priest


Announcements - Krath High Priest

Hi all! I hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year and scooped lots of neat presents and things! It's back to business for a new year, however, so let's get on with it:

1: The results for the Monthly Topic of December are as follows:

1st: PRT Tomaas Montte (Krath)/Aleema of Satal Keto
2nd: DA Elya (Krath)/Aleema of Satal Keto
3rd: KP a'Lan Mandragoran (Krath)/Qel-Droma of Arcona

Well done to those three - your medals are in the recommendation bucket as we speak.

2: I had debated not giving you all a monthly topic for January, because of the forthcoming Krath War (more news on that further down), but I decided to be nice, and have therefore set a topic. The topic for January is: "Resurrection".

All stories and poems for this topic need to be submitted to me by 11.59pm EST on 31st January. Please submit your entries in .doc or .txt format, covering at least 1 page of text. You must include your ID line in your entry and in your email body so I know who the entry is from. Please title your email "Monthly Topic - January 02". Medals will be awarded for the top three entries, provided that I receive 10 entries or more. As a reminder, Sith and Obelisk members are more than welcome to participate in Monthly Topics if they so wish.

3: The Great Krath War will be starting on 12th January. I'll have a website up for it by then, so everyone will know what they're doing and there will be no excuse for anyone to not participate. ;) I've been planning this thing for ages, so I hope you guys will enjoy it. :)

4: All Order Leader Xmas Competition results should be out this weekend - we're getting there slowly ;)

5: Lower and Upper Decks Competition results should also be out this weekend - my apologies for the delay.

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