What with the Independence Games now in full swing most of you are aware that they have replaced the regular Monday-Friday + Sunday Gaming Nights. However, because the ICTE involves many clubs it will still be run as normal each Saturday midnight to midnight EST.
This upcoming Saturday will be a Double CF ICTE - so feel free to participate. One thing I wanted to mention is that matches played for the ICTE CAN NOT be applied to the IGs. Double reporting will result in Kir tracking your ass down for reasons I can't specify in a PG-13 environment. You can, however, play your 3 matches with someone for ICTE and still play another 1-6 for the IGs. Just don't play 3 matches and report 3 for both events.
In other news... Keep in mind that the IGs are using the Rites of Combat. As a quick refresher this means:
Max of 6 matches against a single person per day.
You HAVE to be in #dbgaming to create matches.
Dodging (actively playing some people while avoiding others) is not allowed.
You may only forfeit a match you are currently playing - none of this "oh I'm going to lose anyways, here take 6 wins". If you play 2.5 matches and need to quit, your opponent is only entitled to report that .5 as a forfeit win. No more.
Report matches as usual, but select "Independence Games 2008" as opposed to "Gaming Nights" in the drop-down competition selector.
If you make or notice a reporting mistake, email me or message me on IRC and I can delete them. Then you'll be free to re-report correctly.
Full RoC details, as well as information on proper reporting formats for each platform, can be found on the RoC Wiki Page.
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Thanks for the details Shadow.
Double clusters.