1) Due to my finals coming up, my activity will not be as high as it usually is. IRC time will be cut down, but I will still check email daily, it just may take a few days to get to certain things. I'm not going on Leave of Absence, just asking to be patient if you are waiting on something from me. There is a light at the end of the tunnel
2) We ended up with a good bit of participation in the April Journeymen Competition, although it could've been better. We will bring it back, for the time being, monthly, though, so expect another one come May. Anyways, the results from "Who is the best Dark Jedi of all time and why?":
First: Jerse Remid - Taldryan
Second: Cern Unnnos - Scholae Palatinae
Third: Legorii - Arcona
Participants (not placing, just a list)
Jerse Remid - Taldryan
Cern Unnnos - Scholae Palatinae
Legorii - Arcona
Taigikori Aybara - Taldryan
Jen Derriphan - Taldryan
Asani Vosa - Scholae Palatinae
Vorion - Naga Sadow
We had a good bit of Darth Bane and Darth Maul, I personally think the latter is the most badass, but they were all interesting to read. Thanks to Kalak and Lucien for judging, keep an eye out for next month's, and crescents are on the way
Headmaster of the Brotherhood
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Grats Jerse!
Excellent job guys, Way to represent Cern!