New Character Sheets: Beta 2 Signups *UPDATED: SIGN UPS CLOSED*


New Character Sheets: Beta 2 Signups *UPDATED: SIGN UPS CLOSED*


The Character Sheets are finally nearing completion. We've had one closed beta session with some good folks taking a look at the sheets and giving me good feedback as to changes needed. Thanks especially to Halc and Raken for their feedback.

In 1-2 weeks I will begin the second (and final) round of beta testing. Today I am holding sign ups. Before you sign up, here's how the testing will run:

  1. I will assign you an account on the development site. You will log in over yonder. Each beta tester will have a different rank or position.

  2. You will get to the character sheets and use them without any instructions from me on how to do so.

  3. You will play with every page on the character sheet development site.

  4. You will fill out a 2-3 page comment form and send it to me within 10 days of the Beta's start time. The comment form will have instructions for you to complete a few additional tests.

  5. You will brag to your friends that you got to see the CS changes before them.

It should be an easy process, and if you do it, I'll give you a shiney of some sort (to be determined by Mr. Cake).

Here's how you sign up: Go to the comments page and tell me how awesome (or great, or godly, etc.) I am. Each new comment needs to convey that I am awesome in a better way than the comment before it. If you successfully say that I am awesome with more intensity and creativity than the person before you, you will get a spot. If I catch any sarcasm, you are disqualified.

There are 25 spots available for beta testing. The final person that signs up (aka, the person who out of everyone says I'm awesome with the most fire and intensity) will get to test the system as the Combat Master (aka, you can approve or deny the sheets the other testers are putting in).

You can only say I'm awesome once, so time it wisely. I'll keep a list updated as I check the site.

WARNING: If you sign up for beta testing and do not follow through on the responsibilities I've listed above, I will ban your account from using the character sheets until you either do some very mundane work for me or six months pass.

So...How awesome am I?


Thanks for the pandering all. That was hilarious. Here's the list of the people that made it in. Sorry to those of you who didn't get in, but thanks for the comments anyway. hahaha

1. Benevolent
2. Anubis
3. Shikyo
4. Kaek
5. Phoenix
6. Tsainetomo Keibatsu
7. Davin
8. te me tekaka
9. Taigikori
10. Dismal
11. Ashia
12. Tra'an
13. Jerse
14. Teu
15. Korvyn
16. Legorii
17. Daniel Stephens
18. Devani
19. Tirano
20. Kara
21. Callus
22. Vorion
23. Debric
24. DarkAmiz
25. Korras (Combat Master)

humps Jac extremely raw

Jac, you are so awesome that you create a vacuum among your peers.

Therefore you are so awesome you suck :D


Jac is so awesome, he is the most qualified coder for the DB.

Not to mention the guy utterly kicks ass. If you deny that, he'll use his magically GM-ly Force Powers to kick all of our asses.

Thats why Jac pwns. Nobody can beat him.

  • Anubis Annedu

Whenever something annoys me, I pretend that I'm Jac and I go to show that buffalo what's for!

Jac is so awesome that I actually approved 12 SCs for him at the same time. No kidding - and before people complain, Sarin and I decided to give him an SC for about every 20 hours of coding he has done which I think is entirely satisfactory. Some of you got SCs for far less.

Oh, also, unless I'm a beta tester for this, then I won't give shineys for it :P So maybe Jac isn't quite as awesome as he thought he was..... hehehehe

Jac is more Awesome then Muz. :-P And I'll prolly be murdered in the face for saying that by Muz, but it will be worth it if I can test this for Jac. Hehehe!


"Jac" is actually Kyataran for "Awesome". His reach is all-encompassing, his compassion, boundless. I daren't even look directly at him for fear of my retinas burning out from the glory of his brilliance...if I slight him in a dream, I immediately wake up and apologize.

Jac is awesome
humps jac's leg

humps Jac extremely raw

/me indeed murders Ashia in the face for saying that. :P

Jac, your the man.

Can I give it a try?

JH Davin Olar 8498

You are the most awsomest being in both universes.

I'll sign up for the beta testing. Jac is awesome, or something along those lines.

Jac is so awesome, that $Jac++; overflows.

humps Jac extremely raw

Okay, maybe my first wasn't the best. When Jac was GM, i thought of him as the all knowing master of pwning everyone. He still is. He is better than Muz and Sarin and I'm glad I knew of him when I had the chance. Jac pwns everyone, anytime, anywhere.

Now can I get in?

Wow, what a way to get people to lie and kiss your butt there Jac. I guess every geek needs a pick me up. I'd love to do the beta testing but I guess that depends on when it'll happen. I'll be gone for a week this month and busy looking at cribs and such. If it'll happen next month I'm all for it. Just don't expect me to say your awesome. I don't lie like that ;)

Jac, all though i wasn't here when you regined, in the time i have been here you have done great things out of the GM postion. There for cause you own everyone and everything, id be honored to Say YOU ARE AWSOME!!!. The layout: Awsome, your attuide towards Newbee's: Awsome. and the fact that rather you pick me or now i still think: YOUR AWSOME!!!!!! 9423 Te Me Nekaka

PS: im not lyin!

Jac is the secks of secks.

Your manhood is larger than the Sear's Tower.

You're the ultimate, super duper, sex person. Dirty things, with your mouth. Just, want it on my body. I put my robe and wizard hat on. You give me lvl 3 Beta tester clearance.

I'm sorry, serious now. I think you're so great. Not only are you at the top of the Dinaari roster list, you have coding testes the size of grapefruits. Three years I've been here, and your work has surpassed the previous year. So, gg Jac.

He who is the awesome god of coding and master of all, former GM Jac. You continue to overshadow us all with your greatness by proving your superiority at all things and in all DB Wide events. You never cease to amaze us with your dedication to the DB as a whol eand working night and day to answer any problems presented to you. No challenge is too great for you, for you always overcome it and make it seem puny. I worship you in all your awesomeness and beg your humble pardon to grant me a spot upon your list of beta testers as I watch in sheer awe of that which is now presented as yet more proof of your Bad Assness.

Jac is the creme of the pwn crop. His awesomeness far ascends Chaos' failure. Not only does he pwn more than anyone else, when the oh great and mighty Grand Master emeritus most likely does not pick me as a Beta Tester, he will STILL be great, pwntastic, and the best Buffalo Hunter in the world.

Jac is pretty awesome (with fire and intensity), especially b/c since I came over from the EH, it's great having a web dude who actually responds in a timely fashion if you have a question and without being a complete jerk. Thanks for your work on everything.


Good Lord. All hail DB wickedness.
Jac, you rock.
I'll fullfill my duties as I always do.
Please sign me up.

one time jac demonstrated his power by killing me with a single thought. then to demonstrate his his benevolence, he brought me back to life. i was so amazed by this that my head instantly exploded as it tried to comprehend the awesomness that emanated from jac. in heaven, i saw god sitting below a chair that had "Jac" engraved on it.

the DB = Jac's Bitch

Let's examine this statement shall we? Jac is a two term Grand Master, who despite his claims otherwise, positively impacted the Brotherhood over a period nearing six to eight years (I'm too lazy to check). He is credited with creating the system of houses within clans, and the current structure of the Brotherhood's hierarchy, as well as claiming ownership as a membership in "the Seven", a group of members who saved this organization from the clutches of tyranny. In addition to these fine examples, Jac led Clan Taldryan (Clan Pwn to everyone else), set precedents for GM conduct and Star Chamber procedure, and maintains the web sites and its installments on a regular basis at the cost of his own time and money.

Now, what can we, the little folk, claim to do in comparison to Jac.

Jac = The Brotherhood's Daddy

Walks towards Jac

trips, falls to his knees

"Whoops!... oh well..."

Jac, you're so awesome, women are fertilized by the mere sight\though of you.

If you can see Jac, Jac can see you. If you can't see Jac, you could be seconds from death.

Jac is so awesome, Chuck Norris fears him so.

Jac is so awesome, that I of all people am his Aedile. He doesn't get any awesomer.

But srsly, I don't want to beta test. :P

It is impossible to explain how godly GM Jac is, but I will try. The only one who can do that is the, in all seriousness, Grand Master himself. His brings a whole new meaning to the word pwn, with out him nothing the DJB has today would be as good, or even possible. The Ultimate being, the all powerful god, the supreme ruler, the Grand Master, makes the impossible….possible. Remember there is nothing to fear, except fear its self (which in this case is Jac). There is not a soul in this universe that can surpass him, and that’s because he keeps doing more each day. Seriously he will still be alive and coding when our children’s children join the DB. There will never be anyone in the history of the DB (50, 100, 200 years from now) that will be as powerful, special, and honored as the great Jac Cotelin.

Gran Maestro es Jac awsome
Grand Master Jac ist awsome
Grand Maître Jac est awsome
Grand Master Jac is awsome.
No matter how you say it, there is still a ring to it. :P

We love you more than a fat kid loves cake.

More than Bill Clinton loves interns.

More than Thran loves Buttsecks

Jac is so awesome that just reading that news post made me salivate in my mouth. I do so desire to be a part of the beta team so that maybe some of his awesomeness will rub off on me.

Err, forgive me for that Jac, I shouldn't have assumed your awesomeness is flaky.

Mmmmmmm Jac is soooo awesome that I would freely give myself and my awesomely sweet Corellian lovin' to him. That and free access to my whiskey cabnet......also he pwns more than Batman, Iron Man and Superman combined. /end randomness

Jac is so awesome the universe trembles at his feet and god is his bitch on a leash.

jac there is really no words to describe how amazing you are or how godly to this place you are, in reality all those people who are saying words are laying! cause it is impossible to describe a god :).

DJK Tirano Yamayura

I'd like to get in on this if at all possible. I have way too many years under my belt of dealing with character sheets in the BHG which were awesome, so I would be able to provide constructive criticism and of course tell you where you're going right.

Jac is so awesome, the rest of the Brotherhood take notes on how to be just as cool as he is. I also have informatio,n from very good sources, that say that the Angels and Saints have taken notes, not to mention that fallen angel....Lucifer. Yes, I mean Satan. Jac is that good that everything alive takes notes on how to be as cool as the Master of Coolness.

Momma said, life is like a box of awsome. You never know when Jac is gonna pop out! A cha cha!

Because sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words...

Nuff said.


Jac causes multiple orgasms in all women (and some men) he comes across.

His enemies tremble in fear at the very thought of him.
His women tremble in the pants at the very sight of him.
People from lesser clans crap their pants at the very mentioning of his name.

"Jac is awesome."


I don't think you still qualify for that low category.

Jac is so awesome, I want to have his baby.

yey! makes you more amazing :P hehe

DJK Tirano

...we've seriously come to this?

You can't say Jac is awesome....because awesome is Jac.

Jac is so awesome that even the One Arm Bandit has to bow down to his awesomeness... and everyone knows just how awesome the One Arm Bandit it... The One Arm Bandit is like "Ice Cool on a Summers Day", makes Jac "freezing the tittys off" and has all the honeys around him like a babe magnet as he is OH SO COOL! They all want to a feel of the "ICEMAN".

I heard from reliable sources that Jac's manhood is eleven inches.....around.

Think about it.

Wow - Jac owned you all so much. It's so awesome :P

umm. hate to correct you jac but my name is Nekaka not tekaka lol. but its ok.

I love lamp

Yeah, it's after the signups, but there really only needs to be one thing said about Jac's awesomeness. When Jac enrolled at Ohio State University, everyone else in the Pre-Law courses simply quit cause there would be no way that they could graduate with Jac setting the bell curve.

You think God made the Universe? Well, who the hell do you think God got the idea from? That's right. Jac.

Ah shaddup. I just thought of that one today. :P

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