And...Justicar is back


And...Justicar is back

Keeping in the spirit of Sharad's post - no, I didn't forget about the DB either. I had the always enjoyable experience of exam week (sarcasm), followed by the always enjoyable experience of an impromptu vacation (serious).

I apologize for the unintended and unannounced absence, but I'm back and the JST's office is running again (those of you who submitted CoJ exams should have your scores now), and you should see me back on IRC - it's ok, you can celebrate, I know you're all excited.

Ummm.... yay? Let justice reign? On a somewhat-related note, what did you do for vacation?

Just made a few multi-day stops visiting friends at various colleges in Michigan. It started by visiting one person, then got a phone call from another, then another...and boom, week over :P

He hired tiny asian men for five straight nights of illicit sex. I seen him!

Shadow was one of the Asian men.

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