Official Server Requirements
This currently applies to only Jedi Outcast and Academy servers. The requirements will be altered in the future when/if a new game comes out that allows private server hosting. For the current owners and administrators, I will be contacting you shortly to obtain any missing information to add to the server wiki page.
*Must be submitted for approval by the GM, DGM, and Gaming Tribune with the following information:
**IP Address
**Number of slots
**Mod (including link)
**Owner/Admin names
**Extras (Maps/Skins, including links to download)
*Must have a mod installed that resets dueling health and shields
*Must allow player voting for map/gametype changes
*Must be password protected
*Must make it known if a custom map is required to join the server (ex: Academy maps)
*Must be able to submit server logs when requested by GM, DGM, Tribune, or Justicar
If you have any complaints, suggestions, or inquiries about the requirements, feel free to email me.
RTS CF System
As I mentioned some time ago, I felt the CF system for team RTS gaming needed tweaking. The way it was set up RTS games earned three times that of their FPS counterparts. For 1v1, thats all fine and good. But when you factor in teams, players were earning up to 15 CFs for a single EaW win. EaW does take more time and effort than JA or JO, but adding teams doesnt increase that amount much from 1v1. The new system will continue to award more for team matches, but will not be so balance-breaking.
Linked below is an excel sheet with all the CF formulas. These systems will be put in place for both the regular Gaming Night reporting as well as the ICTE. Feel free to comment on the system in the comments section.
As mentioned - any questions, comments, etc can be either left in the comments section or emailed to me directly.
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