The Consul had sent out a request, for all those who were able to attend, to congregate aboard the Arconan flag ship ISD Eye of the Abyss II. The forward hangar bay lay barren apart from a number of storage crates which had been carefully positioned around the interior to help create a stage area. The walls were not blank as usual, they were now adorned with various drapes bearing the symbols and seals of the Clan, it's Houses, it's greatest leaders and it's much coveted, but now lost, Dajorra system.
As the Clansmen of Arcona filed into the assembly area they were fully aware of the importance of an assembly that the Consul had called; It was widely accepted by both the Clan and the populous of Dajorra that the Shadow Lord would rarely have personal contact with his followers. While the Zabrak was no recluse, he was intimately private and renowned as obsessive in his pursuit in power through the use of Shadow Crafting and the Abyssal Tome. Regardless, this has no way affected the zeal, loyalty or devotion of those he leads. The Shadow Scion, Sashar Arconae, was his conduit, his voice and his ambassador. But this announcement was clearly of the highest importance for the Dark Jedi Master if he was to address his "Children of Chaos" directly.
As the congregation waited for the arrival of their leader the lights in the hangar bay started to dim, almost to the point of complete darkness then, on the stage, a hologram of the Altar of RCayne sprung to life. The large, cuboid block engraved in K
hamara`n ciphers was familiar to all Arconan's from the Hall of Shadows on Selen. Clearly, the exodus from the system had resulted in some artifacts being left behind.
"My Children of Chaos.." said the gravelly, hoarse voice of the seldom heard Consul, " are gathered for a proclamation from the Shadow Realm." spoke the Zabrak Master as his hooded form soon appeared from wisps of smoke-like sinew, behind the flickering Altar.
"I last addressed you upon the ascension of two of Arcona's finest. One, has since turned his back on us, while the other, my Shadow Scion, has grown in power beyond even my expectations. Today I intend to appoint another as a bearer of the Clan title. He is a Clansmen of war, undoubtedly one of the finest Obelisk I have ever come across. He is a leader amongst you who holds no official summit post. He is a warrior of divine blessing who has lead from the front for more of Arcona's wars than I can remember. He stands amongst you as a pinnacle of all that it is to be Arconan. His legend is revered as much by us as it is the inferior Clans and even the Dark Council. Obelisk Prelate, Malidir Trepidus Erinos, rise up amongst your brethren and stand before them alongside your Consul."
Upon announcing his name, Malidir Trepidus Erinos stepped forward from the darkness alongside his Consul. Sashar Arconae, then took his position on the other side of Malidir before both leaders placed a hand on the shoulder of the Obelisk Prelate. As the three Dark Jedi were connected, fibrous tentacles of wispy shadow seeped from the eyes and mouth of the Clan summit. As the substance floated in the air it twisted and tumbled, floating and darting, rolling and rising. Within around a minute the shadowy essence had formed into a swirling orb, reminiscent of a galaxy from a view port in space. As it hung in the air above Malidir's head the Prelate could only look up in wonder.
"Malidir Trepidus Erinos, from the darkness of the shadows you have flourished and grown. You are a Child of Chaos unrivalled in combat, loyalty and adherence to the Shadow Lord. From this day forth you are now bound to Arcona above all other entities in our Brotherhood. You are hereby bound to the other Bearers of di Tenebrous Arconae. You are hereby bound to the Shadow Realm, where your soul will reside along with the finest in our Clan."
As Mejas finished speaking the swirling mass of shadow drifted down onto Malidir, tendrils of darkness forcing their way through every facial orifice possible. As the Prelate stood rigid and still the shadow merged with his very being and when all the darkness had soaked into his essence, he dropped to one knee head bowed and silent. Kneeling silently the newest di Tenebrous Arconae let rip a scream of the purest agony. If fear, terror and anguish had a sound then this was it. As the cacophony erupted from his mouth he slowly rose back to his feet, but while doing so his right arm tore at his left shoulder. Malidir was frantic in his actions, clawing and tearing, scratching and scraping for access to his flesh.
Finally the behaviour climaxed with the Obelisk Prelate drawing on the Force to tear the sleeve from his heavy robes off. Looking down at his flesh Malidir along could see and feel the shadows course through his body down into his shoulder. There, they settled and the scorching that he could feel manifested itself in the Shadow Mark. Finally when the pain had subsided the sweating, drained Galerean bowed to the Shadow Lord and his Proconsul before turning to the silent crowd and bellowing: "Darkness is Infinite, Light is Limited . ARCONA INVICTAE!"
The assembled Clansmen replied in kind and as Malidir rose to his feet the nod of approval from his leaders coupled with the acceptance from his Clansmen, was the final acknowledgement he needed. He was now di Tenebrous Arconae.
Motioning for silence the Zabrak leader raised one hand as Malidir exited towards the rear of the stage. "You have all once again witnessed the greatest achievement an Arconan can be granted. Each and everyone of you has the same opportunity to ascend in to the ranks of the di Tenebrous Arconae, but few of you will ever attain such an honour. Through hatred, anger, the lust for power and need for Chaos I can offer you a world unlike any other. An existence that most can only dream of. Take heed and remember what you have seen here today, in the future it could be you..."
As the Shadow Lord ended his speech he stepped back into the shadows of the stage, returning once again to the darkness from where he came.
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Congratulations Malidir! You thoroughly deserve the Clan title and it is a great honour for me to appoint another di Tenebrous Arconae.
Also, on a side note, thanks to Dash for putting together the concept of the, as I named it in the news post, Shadow Mark. There'll be a WIKI page for this new facet to Clan Arcona soon enough. It'll be like a Clan GoA with different elements around the outer circle representing the status of the title bearer.
Congrats Mal! Awesome job, man.
Congrats Mal! You deserve it!
Congratulations, Mal. If anyone deserves a new title, it's you. =)
Congrats, sweet cheeks!
Congrats Mal.
The whole Force Unleashed photoshop makes me want to cry though, for real. Way to desecrate the holiness of that game
The Smurfs Unleashed? :P
I'm sorry I just couldnt resist :P
Gratz Mal ;D
Many thanks to you all. Much appreciated, guys!
Super congratulations Mal!
WOOT Mal! congrats, well earned.