Aloha. Just a quick one.
I'm looking forward to the opportunity of working with and over the ACC. I appreciate what's been done before, and hopefully we'll have some fun and entertainment in the future.
I'm possibly going to be putting out the word for a few more people to join the ACC Staff, but not at the moment. If you're interested in being a part of the ACC Staff, you're welcome to start putting ideas together, but I'll let you know when I'm actually interested in taking apps. As far as DCM, I've spoken to a few people about it. If you're interested in it, feel free to shoot me an email. I don't have anyone specific in mind at the moment.
I cleared out the three waiting tests for the ACC Initiates Exam. If you need to take it, feel free to do so. If you need to make changes to your character sheet, have at it. I've hit those as I've seen them, as well. I'm looking at making some changes, obviously, but more info will come on those before they happen. If you have thoughts on the ACC, for good or for bad, please send them to your Clan Summits. I'm going to be looking to be in contact with the Clan Summits more about how we can meet each Clan's needs, and make the ACC something more people want to get involved in.
I have no idea what the status of the character sheets are right now. I tossed Jac an email, but he's a busy mofo. Life comes first. When he has time to fill me in, I'm sure he will. When I hear more, I'll let you know what I can.
Have a wonderful week.
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Sounds awesome! <3 the ACC, and you seem like you will make it even more fun!
you should totally bring back acc live.
I thought I had felt a great disturbance in the Force, this must have been what it was.