Announcements - Knight Commander of the Brotherhood


Announcements - Knight Commander of the Brotherhood


Ahhh...and yet another week has passed. I'm still not back to full activity, and won't be until around the 14th.

Dark Voices are being worked on. Grail and I are haggling over their final placement. For now, please email me if you need something specific. Hopefully we'll have them posted soon.

I've finalized the refinements to the heirarchy of the Society. As soon as I talk to the Grand Master/Deputy Grand Master about them, they'll take effect.

The DSC history is almost done. I've revising and editing my current copy, working out some of the bugs. It'll be ready soon enough.

I won't be announcing open positions this week, or until the new heirarchy is finalized.

In darkness,

KPN Trevarus Caerick
Knight Commander of the Brotherhood

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