Evening everybody.
So yeah, everybody lost some stuff, including some posts in their ACC fights, as well as any Character Sheet updates that were made since August 7th. What does this mean for you?
For your character sheets, you're going to have to resubmit them. If you had a promotion since the 7th that Kaek and Company are still working on reestablishing and such, I'd encourage you to wait until that's all taken care of, and then just go through and redo your sheet. That's the easiest way to get it done.
JAC SAYS: Yes, Character Sheet changes are gone completely. bummer.
As far as your battles, that's going to be about the same thing, in all honesty. If you posted in a battle since the 7th, you're going to need to repost. If you didn't save the posts, I'd encourage you to make that a habit. Save your fights into a Word document or something so that, in case anything like this does happen in the future, you won't have to go through and rewrite it all from scratch.
JAC SAYS: I just sent BF a copy of all of the posts that were in the database after August 7. There may be a few missing, but he is going to find a good way to distribute what we have. Yayness!
As far as the Three-Way Feud between Arcona, Plagueis and Scholae Palatinae, same thing. Any of your battles that were judged since the 7th, you need to forward your decision emails to Lucien so he can get the judgment reentered. For sake of ease, only the Winner of the match needs to forward the decision to Lucien. If you don't have those emails? Again, I'd encourage you to keep them, even in an archived folder or something. If you're worried about email space, have someone set you up with a Gmail account, and you'll never have to worry about that (they have tons of space).
If your battle was ongoing, you need to rebuild it. I have mentioned this already to the Clan Summits of those three Clans. They are in the process of deciding the end date, whether there will be an extension, etc. That facet of the Feud is not up to me. If you want to express your thoughts on it, let your Clan Summits know. I'm not the one granting extensions on any of those battles.
For Training/Qualification battles, consider the 14 day time limits starting from today, but I would encourage you to get those posts done sooner. Everyone is going to be playing catch up, so help out your Trainers and opponents and work to get the posts rebuilt as much as possible.
The stuff being lost is a bummer, but unfortunately, these things can happen. If nothing else, it teaches us all a valuable lesson, and reminds us all to have our own backup copies of stuff like medals, ID lines, and even ACC battles.
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