Just to set the record straight...


Just to set the record straight...

I appreciate all of the kind words on the comments and in your emails, but It's really misdirected. It took me a lot of time to get the site back up and running, but to be sure, this was something that I should have foreseen and protected against before. The thanks this time go to the folks that alerted me to the problems and helped me solve it.

At the top of the list are Kaek and Karel, both of whom went out of their way to alert me to problems and help investigate the source. Major kudos to them. Please be sure to also thank BubbaX, Anshar, Arion, Vlad, Sephiroth, Smyth Welton, Kir, Chaos, BF, Muz, Sarin, the rest of the DC and leaders for their assistance, and anyone else I'm forgetting.

Now....where was I on those character sheets?....


To Kaek, Karel, BubbaX, Anshar, Arion, Vlad, Sephiroth, Smyth Welton, Kir, Chaos, BF, Muz, Sarin, and the rest of the DC, Our thanks go out to you for the work which you put forth to retorse our home to its functioning state. Without you, this place would not exist and your hard work makes it possible for us to enjoy all the fun things that ahppen here.

You still deserve a bit of credit, Jac, working the issue at hand still must have not been easy. Kudos to the entire team for getting us back on track!

I wish I could award the lot of you something, but I'll just have to settle for buying you all a drink each. =)

Thanks Jac - but nothing I've done to help you can compare with all the work you did. A stupid botnet is no match for Jac

Jac, you are stupid, really.

really, when would you have fixed all the broken scripts that were now abused? and who, besides you, have been SCL while those were broken?

so, shut up while we thank you for your work. :P

oh, and thanks go to all those others too, of course.

Go Jac! Site looks even better than before!!! blinks wait its the same, just a few different things.. but yeah good work! :-D

My motto is, "Everything is Jac's fault". Everyone should adopt this as their own motto, especially for RL.

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