Order Leader Competition
I'm kind of disappointed in the participation in the Sith Event, I recieved two submissions, and if that's a sign of things to come, I think we Sith are in some serious trouble. Anyways, I'm working on marking them, and will complete the Sith ones ASAP.
Additionally, Mairin Sharad and I recently marked the Top 10 Lists. Here are the results:
Joint First Place with 22 Points:
PRT Korbane Ashoka (Krath)/Qel-Droma of Arcona AND KP Troutrooper(Krath)/AED/Aleema of Satal Keto
Joint Third Place with 19 Points
PRT Maradis Jenkar (Krath)/Aleema of Satal Keto AND KP Sith Bloodfyre(Krath)/QUA/Gladius of Tarentum
SHW Announcements
1.) First Magistrate is still open for applications. I'll repost requirements:
First Magistrate to the Sith High Warrior's Duties
- Submit opinions on ideas, be a sounding board.
- Help in the planning of, and judging of events
- Encourage discussion between Houses via email/message board
First Magistrate to the Sith High Warrior's Requirements
- GRD or Higher
- Must have been at least a CMDR+ in DB or TC
- Preferably a COM/WC/QUA/AED in past or present
- .5 to 2 hours a night available for odd jobs and email
- Good communication skills
- HTML/ASP Skills a Plus
- Not annoying
- No reccommendations or medals listed in application
2.) Sith Wars competition production is underway. Which is to say, I've actually started devoting thought to the actual plotline of it, and such things. I'll keep you posted and such.
3.) I'm not seeing much activity from the Multiplayer Comps, as I know I haven't awarded CoFs in a while, so... I'm expecting people to start flying again. That goes for myself aswell.
4.) A reminder to the House Leaders, the deadline for my "Give me Comp Ideas" request is fast approaching. I'm really looking forward to hearing what the Order wants to do.
5.) Another reminder, I am awarding GC's to any member who creates a Sith Course for the SA which is approved by me. Email me the idea before you actually make the full course though, just for time's sake, I'm not REALLY open to many ideas, just truly -Sith- oriented and innovative ideas.
6.) Apologies for the second late report in as many weeks. Being on vacation is just screwing with my internal clock. I didn't even realize it was Friday until my computer told me it was Saturday already :P
7.) For anyone still recovering from New Years festivities... I feel your pain.
8.) Small competition will be announced either sometime this week, or by the next report. Get your minds in high gear!
Battlelord Keirdagh "Yacko" Cantor,
Sith High Warrior of the Dark Brotherhood
Flight Member of the Grand Master's Escort Squadron, Tau
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