Taldryan Consul Open for Applications


Taldryan Consul Open for Applications


Halcyon has been bitten by the bug known as real life and has decided to step down from his position as Taldryan Consul. I'd like to thank Halc for all his hard work over the past several months and for his continued service to the DB.

Applications for Taldryan Consul are now being accepted. Requirements:

  1. You are in Taldryan

  2. You are an Equite + 2

  3. You don't suck

Please email your application to Muz, Sarin, Raken, and Halcyon. You have until 19 September to apply.

*I reserve the right to pick the new Consul prior to the end of the application deadline.

Also a lack of failure might be a nice requirement but that would eliminate two of the top candidates :P

Though we didn't always see eye to eye, I'm sad to see you go. Return swiftly.

Requirements #1 and #3 go hand in hand, really.

Amen Tarax. Halc, hope everything gets better for you, and thank you so much for your time and effort as Tal CON!
/me wipes tear

Go go gadget failure

  • and thanks for all the work you did Halc

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