Yeah, we all kinda knew it was coming. But it's still nice to have it all official and everything. Apparently, some of the cool guys over at IGN had the chance to go over to LucasArts and look at what they've been doing, and well... I'm pretty excited by what I have seen of the concept art. It looks pretty nice.
Full article at IGN here: clicky
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sweet, thanks for the news Muz.
KoToR MMo = pwning, or it better be.
The article is pretty interesting so read it and keep an eye on the developing stories of KOTOR!!!!
I'll keep my expectations low for the time being. LucasArts hasn't really impressed me too much in the past, so we'll see.
You just made my day...
Let me just be the first to say... don't let anyone who was ever in charge of the DBPA be in charge of your future KOTOR MMO guild :P
Eh...I was kinda expecting KotOR 3 to come out instead...
They're going to flop it, so hard. I'm a big MMO player, having played GW for 2 years, WoW for 2 years, and LotRO for half a year. But they're just going to turn the series into crap.
gg LucasArts and Bioware. gg.
Bit disappointed. I was hoping for a KOTOR singleplayer, despite knowing full well that it would be an MMO because it was the worst kept secret ever.
Lucas Arts got 3 in keeping secrets, however it may be good wait for it. Its bioware guys, just smile and wait for more info on it :D
I for one can not wait. I know swg's died. But I think this game will definately be much better. We all raved on about KOTOR 1, and even tolerated KOTOR2 (which bioware didnt make). So we got the makers of KOTOR1 developing an MMO, all from a gamers standpoint and we all know from Mass Effect and other games...They are big on content, especially storyline content...It should be a rich and awesome MMO. I will see you all there when it launches.
I can't wait for its release, I just hope it comes out in Europe...