HRLD Critter Christmas: Day Three


HRLD Critter Christmas: Day Three

On the third day for Christmas, Uncle Shikyo gave to me…

The new Renegade robes and the Armory saber. Yes, I know the Armory saber is out for Journeymen but this is released for the Dark Jedi Knights with the six blade options, as well as Order trim. A number of people asked about having it so now they shall receive. The Renegade robes are also for members that are Dark Jedi Knight or higher. Anyone can guess the inspiration for it, and I’ll give them a cookie.

Also, I end communications from this point out. Muz will be releasing the goodies as they come on my behalf. Thank you so much for the comments on the gifts given so far. I hope you all continue to enjoy.

Robes: 3

Lightsabers: 3

-KPN Shikyo Sasuke Keibatsu

Herald of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood

is the inspiration the Secret Apprentice from TFU?


...a robe without boobs :P

I wholeheartedly support the increase of boobish robes. Just sayin.

<3 Uncle Shikyo long time.

Thanks for everything!!

I'm sorry Shad, but did you say 'Whoreheartedly'? =P
New robes ftw. <3 Uncle Shik like you read about.

Reminds me of Kyle Katarn. Whole shoulder pauldron thing and all.

Kudos to the Shik.

no cookie for you, Vodo. Any other attempts?

It's clearly Quinlan Vos's armour... :P

Quinlan FTW.

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