Shadow Academy Exams


Shadow Academy Exams

For the time being, the Shadow Academy site (particularly the admin/grading side of things) is being reworked to better hold up against attacks like these. As such, we cannot grade exams that are submitted, and honestly I cannot confirm that exams you submit right now are even registered in the grading que. So, please do not take any Shadow Academy exams until the site has been brought back completely. If you have submitted any exams these last few days (or while the site was down), then we will see how to go about getting those results once things return to normal (which will be soon).


To follow up on this, I'd advise completely to just stay away from the site. I've gotten several emails already on exams passed and what not. And just for safety's sake, steer clear of the reindeer. M'kay?

Btw, new members, go flood Bubba Character Sheets. :)

Update: The good Orv has brought the grading system back online. Expect results in your inboxes soon.

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