Battlefield Objectives - An ACC Event


Battlefield Objectives - An ACC Event

Greetings everyone,

Just want to quickly point out a few things for this event. This week is for sign-ups only. You will have until 11:59pm EST on March 14th to submit.

All sign-ups should go to Dalthid ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and myself ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]). Please include the following information in all sign-ups

Full DB Name

DB Rank

Pin #



Any questions or concerns regarding the ACC event can go to Dalthid and myself. Good luck everyone!

DJM Halcyon Rokir

Combat Master

Do members have to be ACC qualified already or will the Vendetta rank be tossed around?

They have to be qualified, hence the qualification drive which started in December. Additionally, as stated in previous reports (and on the GJW site, I think), they'll also have to have a NEW CS.

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