Announcements - Obelisk High Commander


Announcements - Obelisk High Commander

  1. The second and last for now Weekly Most Improved Award goes to DJK Waza Sunrider (Obelisk)/Kirleta of Satal Keto. Congrats and your DC will be there shortly.

  2. EH wide competition with a JK ladder is now going on. Sign up for the ladder. The site is

  3. I have a BIG competition coming up in the next couple of days. I was contemplating running it or not with the Andevia comp, but decided this way no one can complain about not enough stuff to do. This assumes that I can get the login to work (cookie problems atm).

  4. New Obelisk site at Not sure if it's working quite yet but it should within the next coupla days.

  5. Recruiting comp and all is over. I'll be handing out DCs to those that earned them as soon as I get the appropriate lists of participants.

  6. GMRG stuff to come still. Been working a lot on the website and haven't had enough time to write up some stuff for the GMRG yet.

  7. I didn't get many house summit reports by Friday which I stated they were due in by, so there will be lots of complaining to you lazy guys.

  8. Obelisk xmas comp results to be out within the week.

  9. I haven't as of yet decided on anyone for any staff positions besides M:OHC Shadow. Therefore, I'll be taking apps for M:OHC number 2. The main thing I want you to be able to do is test and find good singleplayer JK levels for me. Therefore if you're applying be sure to attach a good level you've found with a written analysis about it. Other than that include any other skills like HTML, PHP, graphics, etc.

OBM Sharad Hett/OHC (mucho other garbage)
"Even the stupid can dream."

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