9th GJW ACC BFO Battles


9th GJW ACC BFO Battles

Just a bit of a clarification (if I'm allowed to post news); time outs will not see your battle closed. Instead, the combatant who timed out will be removed and a GJW staff member will post a continuing post for the remaining member - who is to complete the mission on their own.

Additionally (and as usual) even if a battle 'technically' times out - the battle is still at the mercy of RL. This means that a combatant can freely post, beyond the 72 hours, if one of us hasn't actually administrated it to reflect the default of a combatant.

Any questions, feel free to drop me a line (and CC Halc).


~The crotchety old guy

Edit - the exception to the above being if you cite per the rules of the ACC, of course :) (thanks Halc)

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