Week 3 Puzzle Results


Week 3 Puzzle Results

Here are the results for the week 3 puzzle event, which started last night at 9pm EST. I've included the submission times as well, just so you guys can see them:

Week 3 Puzzle Results
1. TAL (9:29pm)
2. TAR (10:04pm)
3. CSP (10:09pm)
4. CP (10:10pm)
5. ARC (10:59pm)
6. CNS (9:38am)

To all the Clans - someone in each Clan has already solved the puzzle, so you don't need to worry about it, we don't need any more submissions.

(Edit: Last Clan solved puzzle, these results are final)

Tal pwns.

It's true.

CNS still haven't submitted their puzzle.... Fail.

CNS fails hardcore.

the cns have done the puzzle.

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