As many of you may be aware, for some time now, I have been in favor of having there be a consequence for placing last in a G*reat Jedi* War. Many have suggested that we c*l*ose the last placing clan, and for a while, that was the prevailing theory.
But, with the seeds sown by Raken in the ficti*on for this war, and with the continued requests by members who are **looking for **s*omething a bit different, yet still under the Brotherhood banner, we on the Dark Council have decided to kill two birds with one stone.<p>
The losing clan in this Great Jedi War will be converted into a Light Jedi Clan.<p>
With new names for the clan and houses, as well as distinct orders for our light side brethren, the conversion will be completely fictionalized as having been subjected to the forcible Force Imprint change by Crask. This will enable not only for there to be some repercussion for the loss, but also a place for those of us who do not like playing the bad guys to go, and still retain the cool features we have as a club.<p>
For the new Clan, the Obelisk will become Scout (light blue), Krath will become Sentinel (yellow), and Sith will become Consular (green).<p>
New robes have already been crafted and inserted into the system. You can take a look at them under the robes selector tool, listed under 'Light Side Robes'. At this point, anyone can have a look at them, but after the results of the war have been tallied, only the Light Side Clan will have access to the Light Side Robes (and not have access to the Dark Side Robes), and the Dark Side Clans will not have access to the Light Side Robes.<p>
Sabers will remain the same, except that Light Side Jedi will not have access to red-bladed sabers. Yes, we know that there were exceptions to this in the Canon, but we're going a bit more purist. Sorry.<p>
At any rate, with only half the war over, it's really anyone's game, so get out there and start proving how bad you are as you stomp the Jedi...or else you'll be joining them.<p>
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I really want Taldryan to lose, right now.
I really do.
That's it. I'm drawing all my ACC matches!
Oh. My. God.
Great April Fools joke, Muzzles.
I hate you, if only because I fell for it. :P
Buggery! I had this long comment all planned out too. Nice one Muz!
Oh My God we better get our finger's out,I am not joining this Group I am know Lightly,i can tell you
Maybe I'm just way off on this one, but wouldn't it have made more sense to do this on April 1st? So if this is not some joke, I will just add LAME!!! unless of course Tal loses.
Happy April fool's day to you too Muz :P
Hmm, I'd lose this war just to get at those robes!
If this is an April's Fools Joke, they better make those robes available to us afterwards. imagine all that work in vain...
However, I might just transfer to the Clan that loses if this isn't a joke. I think it might be difficult to write from Jedi Perspective. And besides, all the old farts will run from that clan so I might even get a leadership position out of it.
Incase it is the Joke: "Good one! haven't seen such a convincing one in years... I think"
If this isn't an April fools day joke, will members of the losing clan have the option of transfering out as normal afterwards?
No - members of the losing Clan will be locked into their positions permanently post-GJW. Transfers will not be permitted.
Was I the only one that read it close enough to realise all the bold letters spelled out april fools?
Was I the only one that read it close enough to realise all the bold letters spelled out april fools?
They don't.....
Correction, you're right, they do.
lol nice one Muz
lol nice one Muz
This never gets old. ^^
Dude. That was awesome. I was reading like: "WTF?!"...then I realized it was April 1st.
I still think this is what we should do!
Nice joke but it wouldn't be a bad idea :).
Totally Rockstar! Good one :-)
Gotta admit, I fell for it. Big time. Guess I need to use my glasses more often, I didn't see the scattered bold at all.
Good one, Muz. You have proven that my gullibility still exists. :P
Oh, well played, Muz. golf clap
ok seriously when are the PRT and GRDs gonna get it through their heads, THIS IS NO JOKE! if it was an April fools joke it would have been posted on 12:00am April 1st. It was posted March 31, 2009 at 10:17pm... jeez
Oh muzzles I was wondering what the April fools gag would be. I was a fan of Pokemon last year but thats was a one time go I suppose. Still very funny. I think a few years ago you turned everyone into Light Side Jedi. All in all a very good joke
Anyone notice the Jac mounted Tie Fighter yet? =P
You Know what the guy's right it was Posted on the 31/03/09,so I really dont think this could be an April Fool's,although I still cant access the Light Jedi Gear in my portfilo,and i still stand by what I said e better get our finger's out cause I am No Light Jedi and i am not staying as i am,and not moving up the ladder,I worked bloody hard for this war,Bugger
There's a glitch keeping the journeymen from testing out the Light Jedi robes. This is a result of some coding issues with the Jedi Orders and will be fixed when the results for the war come in.
I've seen the new Lightie layout......It's awesome. The whole set-up is going to add a lot to the DB in the next coming months. Its almost tempting to jump sides after seeing its hotness.
I've seen the new Lightie layout......It's awesome. The whole set-up is going to add a lot to the DB in the next coming months. Its almost tempting to jump sides after seeing its hotness.
Does nobody else read the other comments? Due to the bold letters, despite the fact that it wasn't posted exactly on April 1st, it's a joke.
I have to admit, though, when I first read it, instantly my brain jumped into "OH HELL NO" mode. Nice one, Muz. :P
There's a Light Side to the Force? When did that happen?
DJK Dralin Fortea listen to me closely so you don't get made fun of anymore... THIS IS NOT A JOKE holy hell its like we have to beat it into you're head until you are so brain dead you don't know your head from your ass.
/me smacks Xithox on the back of the head (Jethro Gibbs style). "I feel like saying: DiNozzo!" :P
Why can't we just drop Nihilus off a cliff and call it a day?
Ahaha, Nihl... Fail
Looks good Muz, <3 my Light Side robes. And I also love Jac flying on the TIE fighter, wicked sick.
1.) Is that really Jac on the TIE with a ":P" expression? :P
2.) Are these robes going to stay? I like the last one - it rocks! :D
If this is pushed through and not just an April's Fools joke, then there would need to be a section of force powers for light siders different then from dark siders and the disciplines would need to be created for the Jedi classes and order powers adapted to them.
Oh wow, it is about time we did something like this! Bravo Muz!
Yes, it really is Jac. He rocks more than you could imagine. You should just learn to deal with it, you'll save yourself a lot of trouble that way.