This is not related to April Fool's, so actually believe this news posting: right now the Shadow Academy website is going through a conversion from asp coding to php coding. The site's been reworked, with some nice addons, and is currently in beta testing with our EPs. However, we have, since that's what beta testing is for, come across some problems.
Currently, EPs should be grading submitted exams through the php site, but everyone is still submitting them through the regular asp site. As such, from yesterday (March 31) until I make another news posting, please keep track off all SA courses that you submit. Keep a list of when you submitted them, as well as whether you receive a pass or fail email. If you do get an email, check your dossier to see if it registered with the database. If it did not, keep a record, but do not mass email Taig and I to add the scores. I understand we're in a GJW, but these problems will be fixed before the war ends, so there will be plenty of time to catch things up.
Basically, keep track of what you do SA-wise, in case something is missed as we convert the site. Any questions post a comment or email me.
Headmaster of the Brotherhood
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