Our current staff is:
DJB Wiki Tribune: Astronicus Aurelius Sadow
Shadow Taldrya
RevengeX Palpatine
Benevolent Taldrya Whiner
Impetus M'Nar Palpatine
Legorii Kryotek
Alaris Jinn
Solus Gar
If you have any questions, concerns or just need help then feel free to ask any of us.
Are you a big Star Wars fan? Do you have a plethora of Star Wars facts stored away in your head? Do you know what plethora means? Would you be willing to put that knowledge to use for the betterment of the Wiki? If you are a big SW fan/geek that knows more than you should (like those guys that always win trivia contests) or if you know someone in your clan that meets that criteria, let me know ASAP as I am making up a list for an upcoming assignment.
The Wiki Staff and I will be purging old files - such as rogue members that never put anything down for their character article - will be removing the construction tags from many pages in the days to come. If you have the basic material for your article you really do not need this tag anymore.
We will also be adding several other Maintenance tags, such as { {revise}}. Do not take offense at the tags on your page or remove them. We are only looking to make your articles better. If you see one of these tags on your page - please try to bring it up to the Wiki standards.
Remember, when writing an article, do not write it like a story so the inclusion of dialogue is frowned upon. The format of how an article should look could be compared to a newspaper article, but without people talking (except in quotes).
Speaking of which, if you want to quote someone there is no need to go through the hassle of making it look all fancy. Simply use the quote template. It can easily look something like this:
{ {quote|The Wiki Tribune has been found Guilty of misquoting people|DJM Kir Katarn}}
I want to thank you all for your contributions and help in keeping the Wiki one of the most active formats of the DJB.
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I fit that category, just letting you know.