Sometime back I put out a call for Star Wars nerds. I got few responses, though I appreciated the ones I received. Let me refine what I am looking for.
As you may or may not be aware, we have tried to become a 'friend of wookieepedia' in the past. We had figured that with the traffic both sites get, it would be mutually beneficial, but apparently, that's not the rationale that they use for us to be linked as a friend site. Their rationale instead is to see how many members there are here and what their contributions to the wookieepedia have been.
Linking with the much larger site would be a boon to our club in terms of increased traffic and more potential members. They have an obvious audience of star wars fans, and we have already been considering buying ad space there.
Your assignment, should you choose to accept it, is to contribute to the wookieepedia, refining or helping out their site so that we have some ammunition when we go and attempt to be listed as a friend later on.
Should you join our team in this endeavor, I request that you inform me what your User ID on Wookieepedia is so we can keep track of your contributions.
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