Many of you have doubtless noticed that when Dark Council members issue a report, they have a little graphic that appears at the top of the page. Kaek has a cake, Muz a picture of himself, etc., etc.
I, much to my chagrin, do not have my own little slice of awesomeness. So, to anyone who can do graphics out there, this is your opportunity to remedy this, and win a second-level crescent in the process.
Prepare a suitable graphic - there's plenty of information about Paladin on his wikipage and the like - noting that it is for DGM reports. Then e-mail it to me, in an e-mail that includes your name and PIN number.
A winner will be chosen. Awards will be given. The DGM will be happy.
Contest closes August 30 at midnight EST. Anything not in my mailbox by whenever I check my e-mail after that will not be considered.
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