Taldryan Consul Report - 11.10.09


Taldryan Consul Report - 11.10.09

Taldryan Consul Report Header

Karufr, Kr'Tal System

The Summits were becoming anxious. Five days had passed. The Proconsul held firmly to his statement to wait a week for word from the Clan's errant leader. Two camps had begun to form; those who thought whether or not the Consul was gone for good he should be relieved of command and replaced with a more responsible candidate, and those who clung to Vodo's remarkable loyalty to the Clan above all elese. In two days, should no word from the Consul arrive, it would be up to the Proconsul to determine the Clan's course of action. The campaigning had begun.


-> ## Taldryan news <-

On November 5th, Taldryan celebrated our annual holiday, Domination Day. Domination Day is a rememberance of the Clan's victory in the Sixth Great Jedi War, of those who sacrificed all for their brothers and sisters, and of relfection on the Clan's current standing. Traditionally, Domination Day is celebrated with an issue of the Taldryan Times and the Taldryan Tallys. Due to various factors however, this year the Domination Day issue of the Tal Times has been pushed back to Thanksgiving, and the Tallys were shelved.

If you pay attention to your inbox however, you will have noticed the State of the Clan Address I released which detailed a few points I wanted to touch on, but also the recipients of a few of our prestigious Clan Awards!

The following awards are given to outstanding members who contribute to their Battleteams, Houses, and Clan in a meaningful way. The Awards can be given multiple times and to multiple people.

Shazair Rathden and Sharad Taldrya Hett were both awarded a Star of Archanis for their unique leadership presences in a time of need.

Lokasena Corvinus was awarded the Crescent of Ektrosis for his work as an Assitant Loremaster and for contributing to the Clan fiction.

Andan Taldrya Marshall was awarded the Mark of Honor for his persistant work on the behalf of Taldryan at all levels of membership and position.

The following awards are unique, given to only one member and is relinquished to the next if awarded again. These members have contributed to the Clan's overall experience in exceptional ways.


Starrett received Mav's Temperence, a unique award that is given only to those who recognize that by stepping down from leadership voluntarily when their time has come, they better the Clan.

Sharad Taldrya Hett

Sharad received Duga's Devotion, another of our unique awards for his steadfast, unyeilding devotion to Taldryan and his house, Dinaari.

Bubbles Taldrya

Bubbles received Jac’s Perseverance, a unique award for her work guiding multiple generations of Taldryan's new members, including myself.

-> ## Brotherhood News <-

-The Grand Master has awarded the Seals of Loyalty associated with this years celebration of the Day of the Fox! Congrats to all recipients, especially Halcyon Rokir, Alexander Anderson, Syn Kaek, Chaosrain Taldrya, and Shazair "Sidarace" Rathden.

-Shikyo wants you to be less picky if you request a custom lightsaber.

-Clan Naga Sadow has a Rollmaster position open to applications.

-> ## Competitions <-

-Sith of the Universe Trivia -- House Ektrosis: Just a little trivia about the sith from the star wars universe.

-Clan Taldryan Trivia 2009 -- Clan Taldryan: Summit members of Taldryan will run a trivia competition over IRC or email every week or so.

-One Word Madness -- Clan Taldryan: A short one word run-on


House Dinaari

Chaosrain Taldrya

  • 1 x Crescent with Sapphire

  • 1 x Crescent with Ruby

  • 1 x Seal of Loyalty

Benevolent Taldrya Whiner

  • 1 x Legion of the Scholar

  • 1 x Anteian Cross - For Service to the T:Wiki

Adrian Agrippa

  • 1 x Crescent with Emerald

keirdagh Taldrya Cantor

  • 1 x Crescent with Topaz

House Ektrosis

Gobhainn Sgath

  • Advanced Lightsaber Studies


  • 1 x Crescent with Emerald

  • 1 x Dark Cross - For exceptional acitivity in October

  • Wiki Basics

Amelia Duskshard

  • 1 x Crescent with Topaz

Tirna Q'jira

  • 1 x Crescent with Topaz

Anubis Annedu

  • 2 x Legion of the Scholar

  • 1 x Anteian Cross - For exceptional activity in October, Service to Ektrosis

  • Wiki Editing Basics

Bubbles Taldrya

  • 1 x Steel Cross - For Service and Sacrifice to Phoenix Phyle

Shazair "Sidarace" Rathden

  • 1 x legion of the Scholar

  • 1 x Seal of Loyalty

Lokasena 'Sena' Corvinus

  • 1 Crescent with Emerald

Alexander Anderson

  • 1 x Seal of Loyalty

  • 1 x Crescent with Quartz

Clan Taldryan

Vodo Biask Taldrya

  • 1 x Seal of Loyalty

Closing Thoughts

Activity is picking up. This is good. Don't push too hard or ignore your school work, but with fall breaks coming up, expect to do some Taldryan Competition work!

~Consul Vodo Biask Taldrya

Footer image

Just when I thought my report banners were huge, I get reassured. Thanks Vodo! :-P

I r winrar.
U r loser.
Vodo is a sexy puma, watch him roar.


Shut the fuck up


Haha. That ACC battle was amusing.

Just in case there's any doubt: reports that are too long, filled with empty spaces, huge headers and that take most of the News page are clearly a sign of someone attempting to overcompensate over a lack of decent content or writing skill.

It's just like the last episode of South Park. Watch it, it's just like being one of the harley bikers.

Lan - You seriously think there are larger headers to purposely cover up 'The lack of decent content'? Dude, if you go and read any of Vodo's reports form when he was AED/QUA/PCON you will see HUGE headers. That's just how he does it. And that's how he makes his graphics.

Seriously, I think there are other things to get upset about than "Zomgs huge headers! I'm going to die!" Give it a rest...

I'll entertain all suggestions and reccomendations concerning my reports in my email inbox. For now, let's call this to a close or take it to the message board.

Large/empty reports with huge headers means he's overcompensating for a small penis.

My reports were always concise, with minimalistic headers. (That means I have a huge penis.)

Wrong, you are a huge penis. That doesn't count.

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