HAD AED open for applications


HAD AED open for applications

Kalak has been looking for an Aedile for some time now and yesterday the decision was made to allow people from outside of CSP to apply as well. The new deadline for applications is 9 days from now so get to it!

Job Requirements:

  • Hold the Rank of Jedi Hunter or higher

  • 24 hour email turn around under normal circumstances

  • 72 hour email turn around time under constrained circumstances

  • Experience of leadership at a House level preferred, but not necessary

*Willing to work with me to bring activity levels back up.


Any ideas or suggestions you have for improving the house

Past Leadership experience in the Dark Brotherhood

Any recommendations you feel may help your chances of being selected

Any special skills you may possess that give you an advantage over others who may apply

#Anything else that you think is important

Send applications to Kalak Ragnose. If possible, CC Thran and me (emails can be found on the respective dossiers).

In Darkness,


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