Ladies and Gentlemen,
Today is December the 18th, 2009. What does this day signify? Well, nothing important however today, Muz and I would like to present to you Herald Style Hanukkah. For those of you who have never experienced this holiday, this is where we on the Heraldâs Staff, (or formerly Herald), present the dark boys and girls of the DB with graphical sexiness. We try to give a little something to everyone in the form of a lightsaber or a robe. Today, we have one of each.
For today, we present to you the Consular robes for the Journeymen and Ring saber for the Dark Jedi Knights. Now, please keep in mind that everything will not come out the instant a news report is up. It does take time for us to finalize coding and all but rest assured, it will be up the day of the posting. So for now, enjoy the sexiness and look forward to more presents brought to you from the Heraldâs Office!
-KPN Shikyo Sasuke Keibatsu
Herald of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood
Samurai of the Keibatsu Bloodline
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lol wow...I imagine this robe will be selected by those overcompensating for the lack of saber selections :P
great work though, and yay for herald hanukkah!
We <3 you, Shik.
I remember last Xmas's gifts, and must say that I look forward to all ths fantastic things that you, Muz, and the others have to surprise us with. Needless to say, you guys are Jactastic!
w00t! I <3 Heraldukkah
Woo! Now we Journeyman can "overcompensate."
Good work, both the saber and robe look great. Thanks!
Release some good armor sets....
God Bless the Jews.