Ladies and Gentlemen,
For today, we present to you the Prodigy robes for members at Equite 3 ranks, the Legendary dual saber set for those who are at Equite 4. The Prodigy robes are ones that I modeled off of Bastila Shan's robes. The Legendary saber set is another one brought to you by The Old Republic, used by the main Jedi and Sith fighting in the "Deception" teaser.
Now, I have had many people coming to me and asking why are many of these items coming out for EQ3 and EQ4? Are the rest of us going to get something? The answer is yes. I told you all that we weren't done yet. Also, we have given tons of items out to the Knights and the Equite 1 levels before. If memory serves me, Equite 1 has almost 15 sets of robes. Equite 3 and 4 maybe had 1 or 2 combined before this.
Seeing as we've placed a message on promotion emails saying how new items are now unlocked, I'd hate to have those people running to see what they got when they received absolutely nothing new at all. Consider this back pay for the error of our ways.
Again, please keep in mind that everything will not come out the instant a news report is up. It does take time for us to finalize coding and all but rest assured, it will be up the day of the posting. So for now, enjoy the sexiness and look forward to more presents brought to you from the Heraldâs Office!
The following robes and lightsabers were designed by Shikyo Keibatsu.
-KPN Shikyo Sasuke Keibatsu
Herald of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood
Samurai of the Keibatsu Bloodline
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Great job Shik!
Legendary sabers = AWESOME! Gah, I can't wait until I can display those on my dossier.