Seal Update


Seal Update

people have been asking me this: where are our seals? I can assure you, not having them done yet annoys me to no end. however, the load I did before has gotten me flagged as a spammer. we're currently looking how to fix things somewhat, without me having to resort to a second email adress. having two email adresses to check up on would be a nasty complicating factor which I'd prefer not to do.

as soon as it's fixed, you'll once more find a new bunch of seals.

I knew it! Korras is a spambot! :P

Seriously though Korras, thanks for the update on that. :)

Ohhhhh... the MAA is experiencing "technical difficulties." :P

Or the people could just set your email as not spam? If they are complaining about rewards, then why don't they just set your email to an accepted email account?

I don't think that would solve the several other emails that come from Korras account, like new member emails. If Gmail/Yahoo lists those as spam, those new members will never get them, and can't know

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