Chamber of Justice Taking Applications


Chamber of Justice Taking Applications

Taig's term as Right Hand of Justice expired last week, so I am now taking applications for the position. If you don't know what the RHoJ does, read about it here!

Here are the criteria you must meet to apply:

_-Rank of at least DJK

-Past DB leadership experience

-Must have passed the DB Judicial Certification Course - CoJ 1

(in the past, or you can take it now)_

As always, I would prefer some "legal" experience as well, such as classes taken in school, etc - but this is not a requirement.

I will take applications until Friday, April 23.

Reminder: The Dark Sage (Law) degree from the Shadow Academy requires a term of CoJ service as Justicar or a Hand of Justice. (You can only get that chance if you apply!)

WTB someone to take the CoJ II course for me. Paying 5 gold.

I would apply but I'm leaving for BCT/AIT in 3 months & wouldn't be able to complete my term....maybe when I get back :)

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